Source code for the_utils.file

"""File Management.

import csv
import os
from pathlib import Path
from pathlib import PurePath
from typing import Any
from typing import List

[docs]def make_parent_dirs(target_path: PurePath) -> None: """make all the parent dirs of the target path. Args: target_path (PurePath): target path. """ if not target_path.parent.exists(): target_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
[docs]def refresh_file(target_path: str = None) -> None: """clear target path Args: target_path (str): file path """ if target_path is not None: target_path: PurePath = Path(target_path) if target_path.exists(): target_path.unlink() make_parent_dirs(target_path) target_path.touch()
[docs]def csv2file( target_path: str, thead: List[str] = None, tbody: List[Any] = None, refresh: bool = False, is_dict_list: bool = False, sort_head: bool = False, ) -> None: """save data to target_path of a csv file. Args: target_path (str): target path thead (List[str], optional): csv table header, only written into the file when\ it is not None and file is empty. Defaults to None. tbody (List, optional): csv table content. Defaults to None. refresh (bool, optional): whether to clean the file first. Defaults to False. is_dict_list (bool, optional): whether the tbody is in the format of a list of dicts. \ Defaults to False. sort_head (bool, optional): whether to sort the head with lowercase before writing. \ Defaults to False. Example: .. code-block:: python from the_utils import csv2file save_file = "./results/example.csv" final_params = { "dataset": "cora", "acc": "99.1", "NMI": "89.0", } thead=[] # list of values csv2file( target_path=save_file, thead=list(final_params.keys()), tbody=list(final_params.values()), refresh=False, is_dict_list=False, ) # list of dicts csv2file( target_path=save_file, tbody=[ { "a": 1, "b": 2 }, { "a": 2, "b": 1 }, ], is_dict_list=True, ) """ target_path: PurePath = Path(target_path) if refresh: refresh_file(target_path) make_parent_dirs(target_path) with open(target_path, "a+", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: csv_write = csv.writer(csvfile) if tbody is not None: if is_dict_list: if sort_head: keys = sorted([h.lower() for h in list(tbody[0].keys())]) if os.stat(target_path).st_size == 0: csv_write.writerow(keys) tbody = [{k: b[k] for k in keys} for b in tbody] dict_writer = csv.DictWriter( csvfile, fieldnames=tbody[0].keys(), ) for elem in tbody: dict_writer.writerow(elem) else: if thead is not None: if sort_head: thead, tbody = list( zip(*sorted(zip(thead, tbody), key=lambda x: x[0].lower())) ) if os.stat(target_path).st_size == 0: csv_write.writerow(thead) csv_write.writerow(tbody)
[docs]def save_to_csv_files( results: dict, add_info: dict, csv_name: str, save_path="./results", sort_head: bool = False, ) -> None: """Save the evaluation results to a local csv file. Args: results (dict): Evaluation results document. add_info (dict): Additional information, such as data set name, method name. csv_name (str): csv file name to store. save_path (str, optional): Folder path to store. Defaults to './results'. sort_head (bool, optional): whether to sort the head before writing. Defaults to False. Example: .. code-block:: python from the_utils import evaluate_from_embed_file from the_utils import save_to_csv_files method_name='orderedgnn' data_name='texas' clustering_res, classification_res = evaluate_from_embed_file( f'{data_name}_{method_name}_embeds.pth', f'{data_name}_data.pth', save_path='./save/', ) add_info = {'data': data_name, 'method': method_name,} save_to_csv_files(clustering_res, add_info, 'clutering.csv') save_to_csv_files(classification_res, add_info, 'classification.csv') """ # save to csv file results.update(add_info) # list of values csv2file( target_path=os.path.join(save_path, csv_name), thead=list(results.keys()), tbody=list(results.values()), refresh=False, is_dict_list=False, sort_head=sort_head, )