Source code for

"""Ding Message Utils"""

from typing import List

import requests

MSGTYPE = "actionCard"

[docs]def get_card(title, text, btn_orientation, btns): card = { "title": title, "text": text, "btnOrientation": btn_orientation, "btns": [*btns], } return card
[docs]def send(action_card, token, msgtype=MSGTYPE): # pylint: disable=invalid-name WEBHOOK = f"{token}" print("begin") res = WEBHOOK, json={ "msgtype": msgtype, "actionCard": action_card, }, timeout=10000, ) print("done", res.json()) return res.json()
[docs]def notify( token: str = "bb68fb0c27bef0f856b72b6301d024d5fa1aaacba2d6963d27d267c673dbdf8e", text: str = "This is a test message", title: str = "Come from the_utils", btn_orientation: str = "0", btns: List = None, ): """Send messages to DingTalk. Args: text (str, optional): Message text, supports markdown syntax. \ Defaults to "This is a test message". title (str, optional): Message title. Defaults to "Come from the_utils". btn_orientation (str, optional): Interactive button location. Defaults to '0'. btns (List, optional): Interactive button settings. Defaults to None. """ if token is None: raise ValueError("Token should not be None!") if not btns: btns = [] # btns = [ # { # 'title': 'Google', # 'actionURL': '', # }, # ] card = get_card( title=title, text=text, btn_orientation=btn_orientation, btns=btns, ) try: send( msgtype=MSGTYPE, token=token, action_card=card, ) except RuntimeError: return "fail" return "success"
# for test only # bb68fb0c27bef0f856b72b6301d024d5fa1aaacba2d6963d27d267c673dbdf8e if __name__ == "__main__": notify( text="This is a test message", )