"""Graph information statistics.
import gc
import math
import dgl
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import torch
from dgl import function as fn
[docs]def node_homo(adj: sp.spmatrix, labels: torch.Tensor) -> float:
"""Calculate node homophily.
adj (sp.spmatrix): adjacent matrix.
labels (torch.Tensor): labels.
float: node homophily.
adj_coo = adj.tocoo()
adj_coo.data = (labels[adj_coo.col] == labels[adj_coo.row]).cpu().numpy().astype(int)
n_h = np.asarray(adj_coo.sum(1)).flatten() / np.asarray(adj.sum(1)).flatten()
del adj_coo
del adj
return n_h.mean(), (n_h != 1).astype(int).sum()
[docs]def edge_homo(adj: sp.spmatrix, labels: torch.Tensor) -> float:
"""Calculate edge homophily.
adj (sp.spmatrix): adjacent matrix.
labels (torch.Tensor): labels.
float: edge homophily.
adj_coo = adj.tocoo()
num_intra_class_edges = ((labels[adj_coo.col] == labels[adj_coo.row]).cpu().numpy() *
num_edges = adj.sum()
del adj_coo
del adj
return num_intra_class_edges / num_edges, num_intra_class_edges
[docs]def get_long_edges(graph):
"""Internal function for getting the edges of a graph as long tensors."""
src, dst = graph.edges()
return src.long(), dst.long()
[docs]def get_same_class_deg(graph, labels):
with graph.local_scope():
# Handle the case where graph is of dtype int32.
src, dst = get_long_edges(graph)
# Compute y_v = y_u for all edges.
graph.edata["same_class"] = (labels[src] == labels[dst]).float()
graph.update_all(fn.copy_e("same_class", "m"), fn.mean("m", "same_class_deg"))
return graph.ndata["same_class_deg"]
# pylint:disable=too-many-statements
[docs]def statistics(
graph: dgl.DGLGraph,
labels: torch.Tensor,
dataset_name: str = "",
) -> dict:
"""Calculate homophily metrics of graphs.
graph (dgl.DGLGraph): Graph
labels (torch.Tensor): Labels
dataset_name (str, optional): Dataset name. Defaults to ''.
h_1 (bool, optional): 1-hop graph metrics. Defaults to True.
h_2 (bool, optional): 2-hop graph metrics. Defaults to True.
MemoryError: OOM.
dict: Dict of metric results.
dic = {}
num_edges = graph.num_edges()
if h_1:
dic["eh_1h"] = dgl.edge_homophily(graph, labels)
dic["ie_1h"] = math.ceil(dic["eh_1h"] * num_edges)
dic["nh_1h"] = dgl.node_homophily(graph, labels)
dic["bn_1h"] = (get_same_class_deg(graph, labels) < 1).sum().item()
dic["lh_1h"] = dgl.linkx_homophily(graph, labels)
dic["eh_1h"] = np.nan
dic["ie_1h"] = np.nan
dic["nh_1h"] = np.nan
dic["bn_1h"] = np.nan
dic["lh_1h"] = np.nan
if h_2:
# pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel
import os
file_path = f"./data/g.2h.{dataset_name}"
if os.path.exists(file_path):
graph_2h, _ = dgl.load_graphs(file_path)
graph_2h = graph_2h[0]
graph_2h = dgl.khop_graph(graph, k=2)
dgl.save_graphs(file_path, [graph_2h])
del graph
dic["n_edges_2h"] = graph_2h.num_edges()
dic["eh_2h"] = dgl.edge_homophily(graph_2h, labels)
dic["ie_2h"] = math.ceil(dic["eh_2h"] * graph_2h.num_edges())
dic["nh_2h"] = dgl.node_homophily(graph_2h, labels)
dic["bn_2h"] = (get_same_class_deg(graph_2h, labels) < 1).sum().item()
dic["lh_2h"] = dgl.linkx_homophily(graph_2h, labels)
graph_2h = dgl.to_simple(dgl.remove_self_loop(graph_2h))
dic["n_edges_2h_uns"] = graph_2h.num_edges()
dic["eh_2h_uns"] = dgl.edge_homophily(graph_2h, labels)
dic["ie_2h_uns"] = math.ceil(dic["eh_2h"] * graph_2h.num_edges())
dic["nh_2h_uns"] = dgl.node_homophily(graph_2h, labels)
dic["bn_2h_uns"] = (get_same_class_deg(graph_2h, labels) < 1).sum().item()
dic["lh_2h_uns"] = dgl.linkx_homophily(graph_2h, labels)
raise MemoryError("no h2")
except MemoryError:
# only works on variable initialization
print("2-hop graph OOM.")
dic["n_edges_2h"] = np.nan
dic["eh_2h"] = np.nan
dic["ie_2h"] = np.nan
dic["nh_2h"] = np.nan
dic["bn_2h"] = np.nan
dic["lh_2h"] = np.nan
dic["n_edges_2h_uns"] = np.nan
dic["eh_2h_uns"] = np.nan
dic["ie_2h_uns"] = np.nan
dic["nh_2h_uns"] = np.nan
dic["bn_2h_uns"] = np.nan
dic["lh_2h_uns"] = np.nan
return dic