Source code for graph_datasets.utils.common

"""Common utils.
import os
import sys
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List

import gdown
from texttable import Texttable

[docs]def format_value(value) -> Any: """Return number as string with comma split. Args: value (int): number. Returns: str: string of the number with comma split. """ if f"{value}".isdecimal(): return f"{value:,}" return value
[docs]def tab_printer( args: Dict, thead: List[str] = None, cols_align: List[str] = None, cols_valign: List[str] = None, cols_dtype: List[str] = None, sort: bool = True, ) -> None: """Function to print the logs in a nice tabular format. Args: args (Dict): value dict. thead (List[str], optional): table head. Defaults to None. cols_align (List[str], optional): horizontal alignment of the columns. Defaults to None. cols_valign (List[str], optional): vertical alignment of the columns. Defaults to None. cols_dtype (List[str], optional): value types of the columns. Defaults to None. sort (bool, optional): whether to sort the keys. Defaults to True. Returns: str: table string to print. """ args = vars(args) if hasattr(args, "__dict__") else args keys = sorted(args.keys()) if sort else args.keys() table = Texttable() table.set_precision(5) params = [[] if thead is None else thead] params.extend( [ [ k.replace("_", " "), f"{args[k]}" if isinstance(args[k], bool) else format_value(args[k]), ] for k in keys ] ) if cols_align is not None: table.set_cols_align(cols_align) if cols_valign is not None: table.set_cols_valign(cols_valign) if cols_dtype is not None: table.set_cols_dtype(cols_dtype) table.add_rows(params) print(table.draw()) return table.draw()
[docs]def download_tip(info: Dict) -> None: """Tips for Downloading datasets Args: data_file (str): filepath. url (str): url for downloading. """ info["Tip"] = "If the download fails, \ use the 'Download URL' to download manually and move the file to the 'Save Path'." tab_printer(info)
[docs]def bar_progress(current, total, _): """create this bar_progress method which is invoked automatically from wget""" progress_message = f"Downloading: {current / total * 100}% [{current} / {total}] bytes" sys.stdout.write("\r" + progress_message) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def download_from_google_drive( gid: str, output: str, quiet: bool = False, file_name: str = None, ) -> None: """Download data from google drive. Args: id (str): Id for google drive url. output (str): Path to save data. quiet (bool): Suppress terminal output. Default is False. file_name (str): File name. Default to None. """ if not quiet: info = { "File": file_name if file_name is not None else os.path.basename(output), "Drive ID": gid, "Download URL": f"{gid}", "Save Path": output, } download_tip(info) id=gid, output=output, quiet=quiet, )